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Thursday, October 21, 2010

made an interesting point yesterday about the up side of China stock crash: it has led to a stronger bond market in China.
Since it reached wild peaks in October of last year, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has lost over half its value. If you're own the outside looking in (like the vast majority of foreign investors), you're probably thankful that China's policies on foreign investment kept you at arm's length from the market in those heady days.
Forex Factory suggests that the bond market is more important to the Chinese economy than the stock market, anyway. So perhaps the growth of China's bond market is a silver lining. And we all know that stocks there recover...

Traders and Beginners

I present and share a system which I compiled to MT4.
The original idea came from an experienced trader his name here in FF is Turhovach he has the age of59years
I have absolutely no commercial interest on what is shown in this thread, we are here to help each other.
I found the THV setup very easy to observe and to work with and started to get everything together on the MT4 platform in october 2008. There is not too much left from the first chart of Turhovach, we added the THV Trix indicator which is the heart of the final product.My special thanks to SpecialED, TradeWell and Eddiemiller for trying the first beta setups, Doblece for helping me in MT4 V220 compiling issues and AK4X to keep me always in good mood and suggesting to open this thread.
And at the end to Turhovach for pesenting his charts and settings in FF and so making me suspicious what is behind of that and last but not least, my wife, giving me the time to get all this done.